Overcoming Our Obsession With Technology While Getting The Best It Has To Offer
Larry D. Rosen
Judgment Calls: Stories of Big Decisions and the Teams that Got Them Right
Thomas H. Davenport & Brook Manville
Big Data Meets Big Brother: The Privacy Risks of Big Data
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger & Kenneth Cukier
Society in the Clouds
Peter Lake & Elizabeth Uruchurtu
Supply Chain
PDF Documents Now Accessible to Enhance Supply Chain Integration
Steve Hill
6 Keys to Inventory Optimisation
Karin Bursa
Best of All Worlds: Hybrid Models of Public-Service Delivery
Tim Cooper & Matthew Robinson
Competitive Advantage Rewired
Adrian T H Kuah, Mark Esposito & Terence Tse
Creative Strategy: A Guide for Innovation From Mind To Method
William Duggan
What is Resilience?
Adrian Furnham
The Daily Practice of Leadership Communication During Times of Change
Terry Pearce
Working Lives: The Impact of Economic Crisis on Wellbeing, Motivation and Productivity in UK Managers
Les Worrall & Cary Cooper
Talenting: Framework and Metaphors for a New Processual Approach to Talent Management
Simon L. Dolan & Paulo Hayashi Jr.
50+20 Management Education for the World: PART 1: Understanding the core of the vision
Katrin Muff, Thomas Dyllick, Mark Drewell, John North, Paul Shrivastava & Jonas Haertle
Feeling and Affect in the Contemporary Workplace
Rick Iedema & David Grant
Four Truths About Marketing Lady Gaga Lies
Mathieu Deflem