Artificial Intelligence has taken the world by storm, with reports being released weekly on how it will affect all industries changing how we work, exercise and play. Jobs will be eliminated, while new jobs will be created. This may seem daunting, but there are benefits. By 2030, it has been reported that AI will add over £200 billion to the economy of the UK, with one of the leading industries set to see benefits from this technology being the leisure sector. The strengths AI can bring to leisure hotels are enormous, streamlining processes, boosting customer experience and ultimately helping retain guests who spend the night. AI can provide hotels with valuable insights through collected data, ensuring customer experiences are tailored to their needs. Here are some critical ways that Artificial Intelligence is helping the leisure industry and what we should expect in the future.
Algorithm data
Most industries use AI to collect and learn from customer data to develop algorithms to ensure each customer’s experience is the best. Varying industries, like the Best Online Casino companies, will collect data to put players against one another at a similar skill level to improve their experience. If insufficient data is apparent, the analysis will also be of poor quality. Within the leisure industry, completing this step may seem like an extensive amount of work, but it is worth completing at the start to avoid any issues emerging later.
Reputation management
There can be a detrimental effect on a hotel if there is a bad review found online or delays in answering a question from a customer. One of the most critical factors of a hotel is its reputation. The most crucial thing in a hotel is how customers feel and think when they spend the night. The leaders of the leisure industry are tracking social media with AI, quickening the response times on social media and helping to avoid any potential public relations issues. Negative comments aren’t the only direction AI aims towards; AI-powered tools can highlight positive comments allowing you to utilize positive feedback as best you can.
Know your goals
The word “AI” has become a buzzword among businesses involved in ads, but it may not always be clear how much time and effort must be put into the process to yield full benefits. The investments you make surrounding AI must meet the goals of your business. For the standards required within the leisure industry, you must know what your goals are before you make the step of implementing AI into your business or hotel.
Endless possibilities
The leisure industry already collects and stores vast amounts of customer data. The introduction of AI in the leisure industry can help evaluate all this data to understand each customer better, helping to develop an experience personalized to them. People’s buying patterns are evaluated to create the best deals, suggestions, bespoke services and individual recommendations.
AI technology within the leisure industry is still very much in its infancy. The understanding of what AI could do in this industry is growing. Still, compared to other sectors, such as finance, the funding isn’t quite there to accelerate this technology.
Virtual assistants and digital concierge
AI has become a household item since the introduction of Google Smart Speaker, Amazon Alexa, Apple’s Siri and other voice assistant smart speakers. Each home will likely have at least one of these assistants, allowing people to gain information quickly. With this household inclusion, it is no surprise that hotel customers are beginning to expect this luxury when traveling too.
The Hilton Worldwide Hotel uses Connie, an AI-based concierge operated by the advanced IBM AI, Watson. Having an AI-enabled robot will complete tasks and duties that would ordinarily be completed by a human concierge, assisting guests from the moment they arrive at the front desk.
AI chatbots have been used to answer questions from guests with almost instant results. These chatbots can be found on various social media platforms, 24/7. This is one of a hotel’s most essential services, delivering near instantaneous responses continuously, something hard to maintain by a human counterpart.
Artificial Intelligence is the technology of the future, so no matter your stance, it should be considered within your business, especially if you are in the leisure sector. The streamlined applications AI can bring are paramount to the industry’s future, boosting the experience of a critical customer area. While it is still in its inception, we are already seeing the vast benefits that AI can bring. Who knows what positive influence it can bring in the years to come?