
Your next trip is planned, and your luggage is packed, but is your house secure? You can easily overlook the crucial chore of protecting your property while you are away when getting ready for your next big adventure. Don’t just hope for the best because even the best-planned trip can be ruined by an issue at home. So we recommend taking a look at the advice listed below to keep your house secure while you’re away.

General hacks and tricks

In general, you should take certain common safety precautions, such as cutting off the water supply and all of the electrical outlets. Have someone pick up your mail if you’ll be gone for an extended period of time to keep your mailbox from getting overly full. Additionally, timed power outlets can turn on the TV and lamps for a few hours each day to give the impression that the flat is occupied.

Your plants should be able to survive very simply if you’re traveling for less than two weeks. Use self-watering pots for a vegetable or herb garden that you might place outside on a balcony or a ledge. Indoor plants can be moved from their sunny positions to a less-sunny location, and they should be well-watered before you leave.

Get help from family or friends

Nothing is more ideal than having trustworthy friends or family members take care of the property while you are away. Asking a buddy who works in the real estate industry for assistance can be quite beneficial. They can keep you up to date on everything that occurs while you are away. Make sure you exclusively confide in close, trustworthy family or friends. Don’t forget to provide them all the details on how you maintain your property as well, so that the balance remains the same while you are away. This will be a fantastic and economical way to manage rental property.

Make it appear like someone is home

For burglars, uncollected newspapers, unshoveled sidewalks, and overgrown lawns are all indications that no one is home.

By arranging for a neighbor, friend, or nearby service to cut your lawn in the summer and spring, shovel your walkway in the winter, and collect your mail, you may prevent making your home a target for burglars.

Utilize technology for assistance

There are several ways you can use technology, which is always developing, to manage your overseas property. To keep an eye on the events taking place on your property, a variety of applications are available. You can keep an eye on things by using surveillance cameras. This will enable you to monitor events despite being thousands of kilometers from home.

Property Management Company

To manage your property from afar, you can pay a property management company to look after your property and besides that, they can even find you tenants that can rent your property. They can set and collect rent. Make sure the rent you get each month covers or surpasses your mortgage, taxes, association dues, repairs, upkeep, and insurance.

House Sitting

You can hire a house sitter if you’d rather have someone live in your home and take care of it than leave it empty. If you have pets, a house sitter may take care of them, as well as your plants, pool, yard, and even the driveway if necessary. An excellent option to keep your house safe and return to a house that is ready for you to move back in is to house-sit. It’s common to request minimal upkeep of the property (pool, garden) and to maintain it tidy. You can locate visitors on a variety of websites, and each of them has particular security precautions. However, you should always schedule at least a Skype call with your prospective visitor. Your pets should, of course, be sociable and friendly to outsiders.


In cases where you will be away from home for a long time, something you can do to secure it is to rent it out. Many people prefer this method, which as conclusion for you as the owner will bring you two benefits, one will be the protection and maintenance of the house and the other, of course, the financial benefit. It is natural that you find the advertising part, and then finding suitable clients, a struggle. However, there is a solution that facilitates the process with intermediary help, places like Brisbane and the surrounding area have such opportunities. Very easily the house you own can be a property for rent on Brisbane, while you are enjoying a long trip to a completely different continent.


For you to have a nice trip and not look back and worry about your property, there are some steps you can take to secure and manage your property from far away. Consider some hacks and tricks discussed above, ask for help from people you know and trust or contact a house sitter, and use technology to your advantage.


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