Creating a more welcoming space for your workplace makes sense on many levels.
For instance, your current employees can become happier and more productive when they work in a comfortable and pleasing environment. And new employees and visitors will feel much more welcome.
But exactly how do you make your workplace welcoming for new employees and visitors? Here are some excellent ideas you will want to consider.
Consider Your Reception Area
First impressions matter. So, pay particular attention to the reception area of your workplace. It is the first port of call for new employees and visitors, so make sure the space feels instantly welcoming.
That could be as simple as placing luscious green plants around the reception area or including a cozy area with coffee-making facilities where visitors can relax while they are waiting.
Depending on your type of business, you could think more out-of-the-box and include things like a retro arcade machine or shelves packed with interesting books and magazines. Enhance your reception area and implement a digital sign-in system that tracks attendance and alerts you when visitors arrive.
Use Decals to Give Clear Information, e.g. Opening Hours
In reception and throughout the workplace, you can make the space feel much more welcoming when you provide new employees and visitors with clear information.
That could include displaying hours of business and arrows pointing to different departments, for example.
An easy way to signpost things and provide easy-to-understand information is to use decals from StickerYou.
Decals can be used on windows, walls, and floors, and you can easily customize them to suit your business.
Keep Your Workplace Clean and Tidy
Nothing is more off-putting to visitors and new employees than a cluttered, messy, and unclean space.
So, encourage your employees and managers to always keep their desks, cubicles, or areas clean and tidy. A primp and preen space will always feel inviting.
Allow Employees to Personalize Their Spaces
By allowing your employees to personalize their desks or cubicles, you can make your workplace a much more welcoming place.
Visitors and new employees will notice that you encourage employees to let their personalities shine.
Just make sure that when employees hang up pictures and have knick-knacks on their desks, nothing appears to be cluttered and untidy.
Carefully Select Your Furniture
Any workplace will have lots of furniture, so do not underestimate just how much your choice of furniture can make your space feel welcoming.
Furniture needs to be comfortable and practical, but it can also make a statement about the type of business you operate.
For instance, if you run a design agency, you could use funky and colorful furniture, or if you operate a high-end agency, you may wish to represent luxuriousness by using modern designer furniture.
You could even choose some pieces of unusual furniture to create conversational pieces.
Pay Attention to Wall Colors and the Greater Color Scheme
You should pay attention to the color scheme of your workplace.
Choose wall colors that are welcoming but also represent your type of business well. For instance, orange is often used in call centers because it helps agents to feel energetic and motivated to make sales.
Warm colors often make the best choice for creating a welcoming space, but ensure you choose colors that best represent your business.
Add Custom Artworks to the Workplace
Finally, adding custom artwork can make your workplace feel more exciting or comfortable. Choose artworks that will be talking points, and which perfectly match your company culture.
New employees and visitors alike will then feel very welcomed when they set foot in your workplace.