The legitimacy of an insurance claim is always put into question, especially so when it comes from abroad. Whether the claim is viable or dismissable, a thorough and meticulous investigation must be conducted. Such is the nature of the insurance business. Insurance companies proceed to conduct investigations to determine the validity of a claim. Instances where a claim seems viable on the surface but is actually false or inflated. Claim investigation is a preventive measure against fraud.
Investigation tactics require perusing through collected data, from photographs, videos, witnesses, and so much more; Evidence that would solidify or weaken a claim’s legitimacy. But what if a formal request comes from a foreign land? For example—
How would you verify a death overseas?
To verify a death overseas, It’s unfortunate that there are people that exist who are willing to take advantage of anything for their own gain. Sometimes these people believe it easier to apply for compensation when an accident occurs on foreign lands, since foreign claims offer a level of difficulty separate from the domestic.
Varying laws, different cultures, people, languages, and overall perspective must also be taken into account. It’s not just the distance. These circumstances often require the involvement of professionals who are specialized in the field.
It isn’t enough just to get the official statement of the insurance claim, insurance companies must make use of experts that deal in international fraud investigations and surveillance; groups that are better equipped to procure valid and important information pertaining to a foreign claim.
For the matter of a deceased, a lot of things need to be considered when someone dies abroad. Contacting the authorities, retrieving copies of medical records, ascertaining the cause of death or accident; all of which need more than just the basic knowledge of the location. International investigators, the experts in these fields, make use of the latest tactics and technology, as well connections they have built for the exact purpose of providing a clearer picture.
Reliable Allies
Be it the local law enforcement or medical professionals, foreign investigators have strong relationships made all over the globe to assist in their investigations, as well as their own investigators, trained to the highest standards in all global regions. With all these in play, they make the most of their abilities to stay ahead of criminals and expose their deceitful claims.
Work Credibility and Thoroughness
Investigators start off with an initial review of the project and based on their extensive knowledge, they determine if in-depth analysis of the case is needed. During the duration of the case, information kept up-to-date is usually made fully accessible to the client. After sufficient evidence is gathered, the findings and conclusions are submitted in professional format to the client.
Building relationships with clients
The insurance business is constantly being threatened by fraudulent claims. That is why they depend on having reliable allies. Foreign claim investigators’ credibility operates on the basis of trust, goodwill, and long-lasting relationships.
Paul Marquez, VP of Business Development, from Diligence International Group, said in his interview about building relationships with clients,
“We had a client, just the other day. They emailed with some pretty important questions about international processes. We didn’t think anything about it, because we answer questions like this all the time.“
Any questions or inquiries their client may have, are answered diligently and honestly, along with guidance and specific feedback, because an important rule in their line of business is building a relationship with their client.