A Primer on Theoretically Exploring the Field of Business Model Innovation
By Oliver Gassmann, Karolin Frankenberger and Roman Sauer
Companies like Amazon, Uber, and Skype have become business strategy icons and the way they transformed industries...
Is Your Innovation Strategy Ready to Meet the 21st Century?
By Tamara Bekefi and Marc J. Epstein
We are living in the midst of great change. The impacts of climate change, social issues, and technology...
How to Manage Employee Scheduling in Small Businesses in 2020
If there’s one thing managers have to do better than anyone is schedule staff effectively and efficiently, otherwise, no work would ever get done....
A Magna Carta for Inclusivity and Fairness in the Global AI Economy
By Olaf Groth, Mark Nitzberg and Mark Esposito
Machine meritocracy is here. In this article, the authors elaborate on questions of inclusivity, fairness, and governance....
Why Mark Zuckerberg’s Leadership Failure was a Predictable Surprise
By David De Cremer
In today’s more developed global village, responsible leadership is of paramount importance especially from businesses that make use of digital platforms....
3 Trends that Are Shaping the Future of Laboratories
Laboratories are crucial to the scientific development of conceptual and theoretical knowledge to help learn through scientific experiments and methods. When it comes to...
Future Work: Changes, Choices & Consequences
By Jonathan Trevor
Despite enabling widespread automation of routine tasks, mechanical technologies have created many more job opportunities than they have replaced in our Industrial...
Breaking the Mould! A New Business Model for the 21st Century
By Karl-Heinz Streibich
The pace of change in the digital era is too fast, and survival is the main objective. Software AG CEO Karl-Heinz Streibich...
Future Insight – From a 350th Birthday to the Start of a Global Movement
By Ulrich A.K. Betz
Merck, a vibrant science and technology company, celebrated its 350th anniversary in 2018. Dr. Ulrich A.K. Betz, VP and Head of...
Extrapreneurs: A More Sensible Form of Entrepreneurship?
By Maurits van Rooijen
Being an entrepreneur is exciting with greater control over one’s destiny and a more direct link between work and rewards. But...
Digitalisation: The Pharmakon of Open Organisations
By Albert Meige
The first industrial revolution saw the birth of the idea of an enterprise – the same entity we are familiar with today.1...
“Electric Has Gone Audi”: An Exclusive Interview with Mr. Bram Schot
In recent years, interest in electric cars has increased sharply which has led to a greater disruption and democratisation of the entire automotive value...
The Rise Of The Imagination Economy
By Mark Purdy, Athena Peppes and Suning An
The physical constraints of distance and geography shape how we live, work, produce and consume. But advances...
The Challenge of Leading Digital Platforms in Responsible Ways
By David De Cremer, Jess Zhang, and Leander De Schutter
Digital platform businesses are increasingly being confronted with a host of unethical consequences due to a lack of...
GLOOM vs. BLOOM OF THE FUTURE OF WORK: Can We Chart A Positive Roadmap?
By Mario Raich, Simon Dolan, Dave Ulrich, and Claudio Cisullo
As the digital era is continuously in its process to ripen, discussions of destructive unforeseen...
Insights into the Transformation of Business in the Cyber-Age
By Mario Raich, Simon Dolan, Dave Ulrich, and Claudio Cisullo
The rapid and disruptive technological developments are leading us into a global all encompassing transformation....
Revealed: The Display Advertising Trends of 2019
Advertising technology provider Bannerflow, has created an infographic revealing the four key trends affecting European display advertising in 2019.
Display ads continue to thrive in...
A New World Order with Industry 4.0
From the Editors
The Internet of things has invaded individual space and now live in our pockets in the shape of that little computer gadget...
Adapting Your Digital Business to a Fragmented World
By Omar Abbosh, Paul Nunes and Armen Ovanessoff
We are aware that this era calls for your business to be able to continuously adapt to...
Smart Manufacturing
By Seeram Ramakrishna, Chen-Khong Tham and Teo Kie Leong
Manufacturing is vital to a country’s economic growth and ability to innovate. Manufacturing is changing from...
Sustainability: A $12 Trillion a Year Market by 2030
By John Elkington and Richard Roberts
Leading companies today are starting to think of sustainability as a tool for growing profitability, using frameworks such as...
Are We in Good Shape for a Digital Transformation?
By Anand Swaminathan & Jürgen Meffert
Innovation cycles run ever faster – with each of us experiencing ever more discontinuity. Anand Swaminathan and Jürgen Meffert,...
How Some Companies Beat the Competition…for Decades and Even Centuries
By: Howard Yu and Jialu Shan
The average lifespan of companies is becoming shorter. For them to survive the competition it is important to learn...
The Fintech Opportunity for Banks in Europe
By Elena Mazzotti and Francesca Caminiti
Propelled by data-driven innovation, fintech companies continue to gain traction – taking some financial firms by surprise. For banks...
Fintech: a Force for Disrupting and Democratising Financial Services
Fintech is like a snowball on a hill that is getting bigger and bigger and changing finance tremendously. London-based entrepreneur Viktor Prokopenya is well...
Evolving Leadership in the Digital Age
By Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries
To become more effective and reflective leaders, executives need to learn to improve their behavioural reactions to difficult...
Software AG: Touching the Lives of Millions for Half a Century!
There is a software company that does things differently; not clamouring to be the latest headline, but quietly running the world with precision for 50 years...
Vertical Farming is the Future
Everyone knows that the population of the world is the largest it has ever been. As more and more people are born and grow...
Space, But Not as We Know It: Notes on the Future Workplace
By Steven P. MacGregor
Apple Park opens in a few weeks time. The new headquarters of one of the world’s most innovative companies, referred to...
AI is about to revolutionise online financial services — here’s how it could benefit...
There’s a common belief that times of crisis bring great change. With the COVID 19 outbreak shaking the world to its core, we could...
What Will Business Operations Look like After COVID-19?
COVID-19 is currently impacting business operations and it looks like these are here to stay for the foreseeable future. HR management software can change...
Strategising for the Future
By Joan E. Ricart and Carlos Rey
In this article the authors discuss how organisations can better strategise for the future by integrating and balancing...
The Sleeping Giant: Voice in the Enterprise
By Laurence Minsky, Eric Turkington, Colleen Fahey and Will Hall
One of the important market disruptions taking place today is the ascent of voice technology....
Changing Perceptions: the Island of Jersey brings digital ideas to success
Interview with Tony Moretta, CEO of Digital Jersey
The European Business Review caught up with Tony Moretta, the CEO of Digital Jersey. Jersey has just...
The Cybersecurity Challenge in a High Digital Density World
By Sandra Sieber and Javier Zamora
To be effective in the new world of digital transformation, any organisation needs to address cybersecurity as a continuous...
Abandon Traditional Marketing and Embrace Digital to Fast-Track Your Success
Digital influencer Vladimer Botsvadze gives his assessment of the emerging trends in the sphere of marketing, notably AI, blockchain and low-code, and offers advice...
Four pathways to ‘Future Ready’ that pay off
By Peter Weill, Stephanie L. Woerner and Nick van der Meulen
Transformation is not easy but the companies who have reached “Future Ready” have significantly...
Disrupting the disruption: 10 Principles for Digital Success
By Chris Outram
These ten principles for success will steer the most digitally ambitious organisations (pure-play or hybrid) safely along on the road to digital...
A Revolution at the Organisation’s Core: Millennials
By Guido Stein and Miguel Martín
How do organisations strategise to create a sound and functional workforce? In this article, the authors present how...
A Partnership for Driving the Future of Business Transformation
A glimpse of Oliver Wight EAME's alliance with Ernst & Young LLP
As the supply chain becomes more complex, there is a growing need for...
An Innovator’s Midsummer Dream Come True
By Ulrich A.K. Betz , VP, Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Incubator, Merck
Organisations are eagerly looking for new ways to boost their innovation capabilities and...
The Burning Platform of Retail Banking
By Magne Angelshaug and Tina Saebi
Without argue, digitalisation has changed many aspects of our everyday lives. With these changes come different challenges and one of...
Knowledge Architects Wanted
By Tammi L. Coles
Organisations that embrace cross-domain knowledge can attain sustainable agility. In this article, the author highlights the significant yet often overlooked difference...
Must-Have Technology Capabilities for Digital Transformation Mastering the Magnificent 15
By Stephen J. Andriole
Digital transformation is about efficiency and competitiveness. It requires a deep understanding of current and emerging business processes and models and...
The Chief Innovation Officer Should be in Charge of New Territories. Not More. Not...
By Albert Meige
An analysis with Google Trends on “Chief Innovation Officer” shows an increasing interest starting in 2010. The term was actually coined and...
5 Smart Ways to Increase Europe’s “AIQ”
By Francis Hintermann, Madhu Vazirani, and Carsten Lexa
At first glance, it would be surprising to learn that Europe is lagging behind in the field...
“two sexes” – Trump Executive Order: From Gender Dysphoria Controversy to Gender Stigma
By Marcelina Horrillo Husillos, Journalist and Correspondent at The European Business Review
On his first day back in office, President Donald Trump signed more than 200 of executive actions, of which, one was an executive...
The Empathy Illusion: Why AI’s Perceived Humanity Matters More Than Its Reality
By Luke Treglown
AI is transforming how we work and interact, not just through efficiency but by mimicking human qualities like personality and empathy. As we debate whether AI can truly possess humanity, its growing...
Scaling You: Leverage the Value of YOUR Time to Scale Your Business Impact
By Elizabeth Eiss
Small businesses often face unique challenges in scaling their impact while juggling limited resources such as funding, sales, customer care, talent, and time. In our previous article, Small Employers 2025: Scaling Impact on Customers,...
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