
Top Executive Education Courses in AI Coming Out This 2024: Nurturing Tomorrow’s AI Leaders

By putting AI and data at the centre of their capabilities, companies are redefining how they create, capture, and share value — and are...
Core Values, Business Ethics Motivational Inspirational Quotes

Ethics in Leadership: The Best Executive Education Programs of 2024

By Pamela Martinez Ethical leadership must be a core value in today’s business world. Introduction The significance of emotional intelligence among leaders has escalated in importance for organisational...

Top Executive Education Courses in Sustainability Coming Out This 2024:  Nurturing Tomorrow’s Sustainability Leaders

Demand is increasing for corporate leaders who consider more than just the bottom line. Introduction The importance for executives to prioritise and effectively handle environmental, social,...

Top Executive Education Courses Coming Out This 2024

As we near the curtails of 2023, businesses across the globe are set to encounter a dynamic and ever-changing landscape in 2024.   Introduction As we...
Digital transformation

Top 10 Executive Education Programs for Digital Transformation

Is your company ready for a technology-first global economy? Yesterday’s crucial technology may not deliver the same exceptional results tomorrow as customer demands evolve....
Top 10 Executive Programs for Leadership Development

Top 10 Executive Programs for Leadership Development

By Pamela Martinez Many executive leaders spend much of their days in meetings with other people — and yet, their lives can also be very...
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Executive Education Preparing Leaders for the Future

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Executive Education: Preparing Leaders for the Future

By Pamela Martinez Digital technology has transitioned from being a mere source of leisure to becoming an essential component of our daily lives. We are...
columbia business

Personal Finance Programs at Columbia Business School Executive Education

With an executive education program at Columbia Business School, you receive a return on learning of unsurpassed value. Spanning topics from financial analysis and value investing to real estate finance...
columbia business

Lead Digital Transformation in Your Organization

According to a Deloitte report,* digitally advanced companies are nearly twice as likely as less advanced organizations to have a single person or group...
columbia image

Get the Skills You Need to Succeed in a Changing World

  We live in complex times. Markets, technologies, changes in consumer behavior, and the capabilities and desires of employees all interact to create challenges that...

Marketing Strategies for the Post-Digital Era

  In recent years, digital marketing strategies have become exceedingly sophisticated as more brands across industries leverage consumer data to deliver highly personalized marketing campaigns. Now,...

Get the Skills You Need to Lead Through Uncertainty

  We live in complex times. Markets, technologies, changes in consumer behavior, and the capabilities and desires of employees all interact to create challenges that...
online learning

Top Executive Education in 2021: Fully Online and Blended Programmes

By Pamela Martinez It is without a doubt 2021 brings with it a newfound sense of purpose, a breath of fresh air from the lonesome...
Executive education

Exploring Innovative Approaches to Executive Education in 2023: A Look at Three Cutting-Edge Programs

Executive education is an essential tool for business leaders to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, acquire new skills, and expand their knowledge....
Sustainability in Executive Education

Sustainability in Executive Education: Exploring Trends and Best Practices

By Pamela Martinez Sustainability is becoming an increasingly critical issue for businesses, and it is no surprise that it is also a topic of growing...
Artificial Intelligence

Executive Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities

By Pamela Martinez As the use of AI continues to increase, it is becoming increasingly important for business leaders to have a solid understanding of...
Executive Education

Top Executive Education Courses Coming Out This 2023

By Pamela Martinez From the metaverse to AI and crisis leadership to ESG, these ten executive education courses are crafted to reflect the needs of...


The Empathy Illusion: Why AI’s Perceived Humanity Matters More Than Its Reality

By Luke Treglown AI is transforming how we work and interact, not just through efficiency but by mimicking human qualities like personality and empathy. As we debate whether AI can truly possess humanity, its growing...
Intuition or Data

Intuition or Data? Are You Ready to Let Artificial Intelligence Choose Your New House or Business?

By Fernanda Arreola and David Jaidan The accessibility of new tools for improving our decision-making based on data seems to be a promising way to gain insights. From the choice of our holiday itinerary to...