Upon our decision to examine and discuss Anvarol, not great difficulty encountered in collecting information, personal user experiences, reviews, complaints and positive ratings. Hundreds of reviews along with a large number of articles (positive and negative) are confirming its effective capability. The reasonable question, however, is what exactly Anvarol is and what can (or cannot) be achieved.
The title “Legal Steroids / Natural Alternative to Anabolic Anavar” is definitely the right title, and a very accurate product description, creating high expectations among the public and not by accident.
Nevertheless, could Anvarol really work like an anabolic steroid and offer the benefits expected?
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In the lines below, we learn and present basic information about this CrazyBulk’s supplement, trying in 11 + 8 important questions – to reach the absolute truth.
First, let’s start with the basics.
To know the Anvarol product via simple questions.
PART 1: The Product
The Company
CrazyBulk is the leading (to date) company in the field of bodybuilding supplements. A company of prestige with a “clean profile” and true contact information for the public. Anyone can contact the company by phone at +44 (0) 238 193 0018 or even on WhatsApp. There is also always the possibility of communication via the official website using the respective contact form available.
The company also provides the ability to communicate via email at: support@cb-support.com
The full details of CrazyBulk available to public:
CrazyBulk Nutrition Supplements
- Wolfson Berg Limited
- 120 High Road, East Finchley
- N2 9ED London
- United Kingdom
- Phone: +1 (646) 893 7753
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Anvarol – what it is
Anvarol is a dietary supplement (in capsule form for oral administration) created mainly for bodybuilders to enable them to increase their competitiveness (in training and competitions).
Though a part of a larger range of bodybuilding products (CrazyBulk Supplements), bodybuilding is not it’s only target field.
The natural Anvarol supplement – safe and legal alternative to Anabolic Anavar – aiming not only at those (men or women) wishing to improve their body characteristics (body weight, lean muscle mass, figure, vascularity, body proportions and body fat) but also at those wishing to improve their body radically (fitness, aerobic endurance, determination, reserve energy, athletic performance, focus, recovery and dedication).
Used mainly in the Cutting phase, that is, in the training phase focusing on the elimination of excess body fat. Many consider this phase as not so important. However, where is the catch? Many athletes focus on the Bulking Phase only. As important the Bulking phase is, so is (and perhaps even more) the Cutting phase. What’s the reasoning and where most people make a tragic mistake?
During the cutting phase – and as the goal is fat burning – the energy available is reduced. At this stage, many feel lethargic, tired and unable to concentrate. So reduced energy is quite risky, for leading the body to “eat up” its muscles, to save energy, the so-called “muscle loss”. To prevent this, the Anvarol supplement meets the body’s energy needs and protects the hard-to-obtain lean muscle mass.
So, how exactly does Anvarol work?
To reach a better understanding of the supplement’s function, we should first understand the function and needs of your body during the training process.
So when you think about your workouts, what are you really looking for?
- energy
- stamina
- physical strength
- aerobic capacity
- testosterone increase
Elements offered to a great extent by a steroid. The “legal steroid” Anvarol – in the first phase – does just that. Empowers your workouts with physical strengthening and toning.
Then – and with the right ingredients increases the physical benefits emerging from these workouts.
- Fat burning.
- Muscle strengthening and volume growth.
- Ribbing
- Vascularity.
As soon as these benefits become visible, the psychological reinforcement, self-confidence and enhanced commitment are promoted towards the goal.
To explain the action of Anvarol in a more practical way, we need to explain (and overemphasize) the body’s need for energy. This need for energy generates the Anavarol’s action, based on the normal process followed by the body (with the appropriate chemical processes) to ensure this energy provision.
The goal of Anvarol is to lead the body to massive fat loss (even from the body’s most persistent fat stores) to provide energy, and to prevent the burning of muscle tissue.
For achieving this, uses the natural fat burning ingredients contained. According to official scientific studies and clinical trials applied, its ingredients (all of natural origin), boost the metabolic process and promote the “consumption” of body fat as “food” of muscle in the form of beneficial energy.
Below, find the action of each natural ingredient and its benefits.
Anvarol – Active Ingredients
- Soy protein 450 mg
- Whey Protein 450 mg
- Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) 2: 1: 1 225 mg
- Yam (Dioscurea Composite) (root) 150 mg
- Adenosine 5′-Triphosphate Disodium (PeakATP®) 120 mg
You will also find:
- Gelatin (gelatin)
- Rice Flour (rice flour)
- Silica
- Vegetable Stearate
- Soy Products
- Milk Products (dairy products)
However, it does not contain any:
- Sugar
- Yeast
- Wheat
- Salt
- Gluten (gluten)
- Corn
- Shellfish
- Sweeteners
- Colors (pigments)
- Flavorings (flavor enhancers)
Anvarol – Independent action of ingredients
Prior to starting examining the ingredients, we have to mention that the ratios listed refer to a dosage of 3 capsules per day.
- Soy protein 450 mg
The best vegetable source of protein originating from soybeans and being an ideal source of protein for vegan and vegetarians.
A highly concentrated source of protein promoting muscle rebuilding. Unlike other plant sources of protein, soy protein is a complete protein containing all the essential amino acids for the organism (that is, those amino acids not created by the organism and received via the diet).
There are scientific studies (about 35) having attracted the attention of the scientific community. According to them, soy protein, in addition to all its other benefits to organism – can promote the balancing of cholesterol levels (good and bad).
Furthermore, in other studies it seems to provide excellent protection mainly against a specific form of cancer (breast cancer), making it ideal for consumption mainly by women.
Especially in men’s health, however, seems to provide significant benefits as well.
Clinical studies show that also protects against prostate cancer, while promotes good health and proper prostate function in general. However, soy has also been the subject of negative discussions. Cases reported show that the systematic consumption of soy has affected the proper functioning of the thyroid gland in some individuals. For the majority of people, however, this effect on the function of the thyroid gland is so small, causing no problems at all.
Finally, we should mention the studies presenting soy as dangerous to health. These studies based on the anti-aging action provided by this particular plant ingredient to organism, is accompanied by a negative effect on the absorption of various nutrients by the body. However, its balanced use – according to experts – does not pose any risk to organism and health while, on the contrary, it provides a multitude of benefits.
Learn more about soy at: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/is-soy-bad-for-you
- Whey Protein 450 mg
Whey protein is an animal protein containing the most commonly known BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) amino acids. These are leucine, valine and isoleucine, essential amino acids for strengthening and maintaining lean muscle tissue, as well as for maintaining valuable muscle glycogen stores.
A product coming from the process of coagulation of milk (in particular this is a remnant of this process) containing lactose (soluble in water), some specific minerals and lactalbumin.
This form of protein is so concentrated that in just 1 tablespoon offers as much as a whole clean chicken breast. Helps the muscles to absorb glucose better (replenishing the energy so desperately need to grow muscle mass) and at the same time promotes a strong immune system not strained by hard training and massive fat loss. Ideally used immediately after training to “nourish” the tired muscles and promote their regeneration.
It is the No.1 supplement for all kinds of athletes, as it helps faster muscle recovery and optimal muscle gains. Though very beneficial for the organism, its careless use can cause side effects and problems in the organism functioning. Specifically, its overconsumption has been associated with problems of renal and hepatic function. It also seems related to problems such as urea and uric acid. Finally, correlations of high whey protein intake with changes in metabolic rate reported.
Learn more about whey protein at: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/263371
- Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) 2: 1: 1 225 mg
The use of BCAA amino acids as a sports supplement is not accidental. On the contrary, it has a strong scientific background. Relevant studies have certified a great improvement in the athletic performance of individuals taking this supplement. The positive results usually focused on the physical condition and endurance of these people, who eventually (and compared to corresponding people who did not take the supplement) showed a reduced feeling of fatigue (whether it was high-intensity, or moderate-intensity exercise).
The amino acids BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) are 3: leucine, valine and isoleucine, with these 3 amino acids seem to have an additional positive effect in various areas of individual health.
More specifically, experts have found significant benefits relating to individual’s immunity (especially after intense physical fatigue), muscle rebuilding and protein balance, of which 99% of them found in the structure of most proteins in human organism, while the remaining 1% is free.
Following intense physical exercise, BCAA levels in the blood decline, as the organism has previously used them as “fuel”, as “food” for the muscles.Considered as completely safe supplement – as a training booster – even if used non-stop for a long time (even for many consecutive years). Special care is required when administered to pregnant or lactating women and to people suffering from diseases (such as diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, alcoholism). People with high glucose levels should also be alert during or after surgery, persons using corticosteroids, and generally people following medication for anything.
Search for more information at: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/branched-chain-amino-acids-uses-risks
- Yam (Dioscurea Composite) (root) 150 mg
Α perennial herbaceous plant, a vine, grown mainly in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Oceania, with its starchy bulb encountered in hundreds of different varieties and distribution all over the world.
Though many people confuse it with sweet potato, Yum is something different.
Apart of containing a large number of vitamins and nutrients, it also has the ability to significantly help reduce muscle cramps, enhance brain / cognitive function, prevent the occurrence of various forms of cancer, reduce inflammation, control blood glucose levels and suppress appetite (due to the abundance of natural dietary fiber) so assisting in weight loss / slimming.
Details on this very nutritious nutrient here: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/yam-benefits#TOC_TITLE_HDR_9
- Adenosine 5′-Triphosphate Disodium (PeakATP®) 120 mg
Mainly used to increase physical strength and promote / rebuild muscle mass. Used to stimulate the body of athletes provide higher strength with the required amounts of energy. One of the supplements clearly promoting the increase of lean muscle mass, leading to faster toning and ribbing of muscles in the body.
Learn useful things about Adenosine 5′-Triphosphate Disodium here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3483284/
Is Anvarol a Steroid?
Speaking of Anvarol, you would definitely wonder by the “legal steroid”, asking “Is Anvarol steroid after all?” No. Established as a “legal steroid”, meaning that as a supplement provides benefits equal to those of an anabolic steroid.
Actually, Anvarol is a 100% natural dietary supplement (containing not synthetic substances that could classify it as an anabolic steroid). Therefore a legal natural alternative to known anabolic steroids, a safe supplement for boosting athletic performance and increasing muscle gains of training, with no side effects.
Anvarol – Main Physical Benefits
- explosive physical strength
- rush start
- muscular strengthening
- muscle rebuilding
- muscle ribbing
- improved durability
- enhanced vascularity
- muscle tissue protection during the cutting phase
- targeted and massive fat burning
- enhanced energy
- increased focus
- rapid recovery
Anvarol – Ideal use
The company recommends administration of 3 capsules / day. All 3 capsules administered in one dose (for best results) and ideally about 15 minutes after training to promote nutrition / recovery / muscle rebuild. Administration should take place with plenty of water. To expect satisfactory results requires use for a minimum of 2 months. Experts recommend 2 months of training & 1.5 weeks of rest.
Anvarol – Combination with other Supplements
It’s common, in bodybuilding, to many supplements in combination, forming the so-called “stack”, aiming at maximizing the benefits of each workout and strengthening the body to maximum for better performance (regardless of how dynamic and demanding is the training followed).
CrazyBulk offers its own stacks of products, proved to work better synergistically.
Specifically, Anvarol may form a stack with the following supplements:
- Winsol
- Trenorol
- Clenbutrol
Anvarol – Suitable even for women?
You have probably heard that many bodybuilding supplements are strictly for men. Anvarol is not one of them, being a favorite choice of many women who, in addition to their muscle stimulation, wish to have massive and rapid fat burning, an ideal choice for the cutting phase.
In just 30 days you start observing clear results in your body, while you feel more active and strong, full of energy.
The instructions for use, as well as the RDD (Recommended Daily Dose) remain common for men and women while consistent monitoring is recommended to avoid side effects and discomfort.
Anvarol – Purchase
The purchase of the genuine Anvarol supplement by CrazyBulk is possible only via the official website. Only there you can find the special offers (the lowest prices online) and take advantage of the money back guarantee provided by the company to its potential users.
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PART 2: Useful Information
What is the Cutting Phase in Bodybuilding?
The cutting phase, defined as the stage of the training process in which body fat is targeted, usually loss popular to Bulking phase, but equally important for the entire process.
As this phase aims to reduce body fat and convert it into energy, a special diet plan (specially adapted and reduced in caloric efficiency) is necessary to mobilize the mechanism of fat metabolism. At this point, however, even if the diet / training program is not the right one, there is always the risk of losing muscle for energy production. The right nutritional supplements can prevent a similar situation and safeguard your muscle gains.
Duration period of a correct cutting cycle
Experts recommend a complete cutting cycle to last a minimum of 2 months, while some persons (always depending on their physical needs) follow it for up to 4 consecutive months.
Professionals are even accustomed to applying the cutting cycle before competitions and sports shows remove their body fat. Non-professionals are accustomed to applying the cutting cycle especially before the holidays to look slimmer, ribbed and more muscular.
Ways to prevent muscle loss in a cutting round
- Increase cardio training (even in combination with weights). The higher the intensity, the greater the fat burning.
- Do not neglect your weight training. Muscle toning will help you have more effective cardio workouts and improved physical strength / endurance.
- Eat right. A special diet is required for the Cutting Phase (which is not the same as the Bulking Phase). So if you do not know, ask the experts.
- Give your body and organism the necessary rest. Only then, you avoid injuries and have effective training.
- Use a serious and safe supplement specific for the Cutting Phase. In this way you will be able to constantly keep your energy at a high standard and perform to the maximum extent in your training.
To get the best assistance in the Cutting Phase, take CrazyBulk Anvarol (or the appropriate product stack recommended by the company). Go to the following link for purchase or more information: https://www.wb22trk.com/WBB3BM/3QQG7/?uid=24
CrazyBulk products – are they legal?
No doubt about that. The company – as well as each of its products – meets all necessary safety standards set by law.
CrazyBulk supplements are manufactured in FDA approved facilities and are GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified.
All products are natural nutritional supplements (not in injection form / non-synthetic / non-addictive / non-toxic) based on scientific studies for the selection of their active ingredients. As “booster supplements” they are the most fashionable and innovative proposal for building muscle mass, and in fact with results as close as possible to anabolic steroids. They cause no side effects (no relevant report) and do not require a prescription.
It is an economical and legal method of enhancing training and improving your external look (physical condition as well).
Specifically, Anvarol used alone or in combination with other company products, presents no risk of toxicity to organism or any side effects. For maximum results, combine the products as suggested by the company. This way you have (tested) results in the minimum time.
Methods of payment accepted
The payment options provided by CrazyBulk for the purchase of either one or more products are:
- Visa
- MasterCard
- American Express
For transactions, a special 256-bit encrypted system used to ensure your privacy and the security of your personal data. No sales tax charged for any purchase.
Anvarol – Duration of 1 pack
Each pack – administered according to the RDD (Recommended Daily Dose) – ensures treatment for 1 whole month.
The purchase of many packages in one order ensures treatment for a long time (given that for clear and visible results a minimum of 2 months continuous use is necessary) and in fact at a much lower price. This offer is valid only for purchases via the official website of CrazyBulk (and not through third party sellers).
Anvarol – Reviews received
The reviews received from users are very encouraging and above average by all accounts. Only some people seem to be impatient, as within 1 month (use of 1 package), have not seen the results expected.
Need to clarify the difference between Anvarol (legal steroid) and Anavar (anabolic steroid).
Anvarol is not a synthetic mixture of substances or a synthetic hormone to boost your organism so quickly. Containing natural ingredients, works based on the natural (healthy) processes of the organism. This is also the reason why it causes any side effects (unlike the anabolic Anavar which is extremely dangerous to health).
As already mentioned above, consistent use of the supplement is required for a minimum of 2 months, accompanied by a serious exercise and diet program in order to have the expected results.
Anvarol is not an anabolic.
This means that no remarkable results obtained without your own effort and a proper diet plan and regular physical exercise. This does not hold for bodybuilding only. It should be clear. Even a 30-minute running can make a difference. However, the more dynamic, the more organized the exercise and the more organized and well-structured the diet plan followed, the better and faster the results obtained.
Do not forget the factor of “personal difference”. No organism reacts in exactly the same way as another one. So even if your friend had faster results than you … do not feel disappointment and feel panic.
My friends use a Thermogenic weight loss supplement. Why?
Thermogenesis is a natural process of the organism, specifically called “food thermogenesis”, related to nutrition. As food is consumed, the internal temperature of our body rises. This has to do with the digestive process and lasts for a few hours after each meal.
The temperature during the digestive process rises by about 10 to 20% in general. However, experts have noticed that the internal temperature tends to increase more with the consumption of certain foods.
Protein is one such food tending to increase the internal temperature (via thermogenesis) and to activate a higher metabolic rate, speeding it up to maximum.
Higher Internal Temperature => Optimal Metabolic Function => Maximum Burned Stored Fat
Therefore, Anvarol supplement being such a supplement with caloric action, promotes fat loss, ensuring sufficient amounts of energy for the body to be fully functional (without feeling tired).
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