Addressing Business Quality and Cost Reduction with Industrial Automation Technologies 


Industrial automation systems and technologies have significantly improved supply chain management. From autonomous mobile warehouse robots to time synchronisation in modular collaborative robots, automation addresses some common challenges that most industries face. For example, high-risk and redundant processes usually done with human efforts can be automatised instead so the company can engage in cost-effective and time-saving activities and operations. 

Businesses need to shift their focus on energy consumption, employee safety and essential processes to evolve, which according to the current market, can hardly be achieved without proper automation strategies. Plus, following necessary compliances can be streamlined easier and faster with software solutions. 

Today, we’re analysing industrial automation technology progression in response to a fast-changing world with unstable trends. Companies need to adapt their processes on the go to leverage product quality and reduce unnecessary costs. 

Automation and sustainability 

With the rise of technology, sustainability concerns arise as automation can significantly impact energy use and contribute to more emissions generated, as well as affect resource use and ecosystems. However, if automation is properly controlled and managed, it can lead to minimise material waste, efficient use of raw materials and a clean environment. 

Automation can make sustainable goals more achievable in the long run. First, it promotes the use of additive manufacturing that reduces waste and lean manufacturing processes that are both productive and feasible. At the same time, this technological advancement handles automated data collection, which helps businesses view their actual productivity progress. 

The European Commission has already released guidance for creating a competitive climate-neutral economy in an effort to support the development of a circular economy through an economic action plan that companies can follow to balance automation practices with sustainability goals. 

Computerisation for higher performance 

Automation can significantly lead to productivity improvement in a company by removing the risk of errors in repetitive tasks, for example. Through computerisation also, performing functions that exceed human capabilities adds to higher performance rates. 

An automation tool such as a servo motor can be used in multiple sectors, from defence applications, robotics and renewable energy systems, to perform with high accuracy and output power, which can considerably change the dynamic of a company’s development. Of course, a higher performance also includes cost-efficiency aspects, which this tool can successfully achieve with the right implementation. 

With an optimised connection technology, companies can have a better understanding of data, therefore promoting high speed, accuracy and ease of access when it comes to approaching automation. With servo, online venture costs can also be reduced, which contributes to faster growth and precise process development. 

High-tech and skill shortage 

Skill shortage affects businesses from varied sectors, including automation. Unfortunately, 50% of worldwide employees will have to reskill by 2025 as there’s a lack of balance between what employers ask and what skills employees are graduating with. Solving this challenge might take years to form correspondence between these business actors, but automation might provide a shortcut. 

As manufacturing automation currently aims to boost productivity and achieve more with few human resources, cobots can be introduced to work alongside humans and increase their outcome efforts. This gives businesses more options to overcome skill shortages and continue streamlining businesses since onboarding new workers can’t compete with the fast-changing trends. 

Cobots can be used for spot welding, painting, picking and mechanical activities, which are not only time-consuming but also dangerous. And although workers fear being replaced with these tools, they’ll have to re-skill in order to program and monitor automation technology. 

Automation vs competition 

Leveraging competitive advantages in automation is quite straightforward: companies need to become low-cost suppliers, develop innovative products and employ various business approaches. However, getting a competitive edge when the market offers so many options is challenging, especially in this economic status. 

Automation can help create a competitive advantage even with lowered upfront costs, but companies need to target only a niche to cover all application areas successfully. Differentiation is another strategy through which businesses can improve the quality of product offerings because there’s always distinctiveness about the products, methods or automated tools that can boost brands into the mainstream. 

Intelligent automation is a recent trend that currently holds the key to competitive advantage among companies and manufacturers. Experts have already discussed the matter of speculative replacement of workers with automation, and the conclusion showed us that intelligent automation would only manage small, transactional and repetitive activities. Therefore, employees and managers can focus on more valuable tasks. 

Increased automation accessibility 

Currently, automation is slowly developing, and businesses still need to implement better programs to go on automate mode fully. However, as the demand for automation increases, more accessibility should be provided so that all manufacturers can take advantage of its benefits. Of course, at its current state and stage, automation requires robotics experts and specialised professionals to manage all processes and deliver the expected results. However, technologies will become easier to program and deploy in the long run. 

An expected and awaited trend in automation that will help companies is low-code solutions that will reach the market in 2023. Therefore, manufacturers won’t need to provide advanced programming skills to use the latest technologies in order for the company to flourish. Some of the features revolving around this concept include drag-and-drop interfaces instead of manual coding to deploy necessary solutions. 

Low-code options increase the level of adaptability that companies can leverage the dynamics of adjustment to trends and customer demands. Intelligent automation can therefore prevent slowdowns during a rush and also streamline processes. 

Ensuring quality and cost-effectiveness can be difficult in this economy, but it can surely be reached with automation. However, until it becomes more accessible and also widely spread among marketers, automation has yet to develop to truly provide the necessary features for an organisation to be fast and productive. 

Bottom line 

Industrial technologies have entered the market to create history. With the help of AI, machine learning and other tools, this sector can improve businesses, allow them to adapt quickly to market demand, and create a competitive advantage. 


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