text messaging

By Skirmantas Venckus

A good welcome text message can make all the difference in your marketing campaign. A great welcome text message is the cornerstone that propels consumers to take action after subscribing to your list.

If you’re like most B2B and B2C businesses, you probably have a more-or-less standard welcome text message template lying around. You send them to new subscribers whenever they sign up for promotional text messages or newsletters.  

This is understandable given how often a particular text message needs to be sent out to keep new subscribers engaged. But, there’re many ways to incorporate elements of your broader brand into your welcome messages and extend their relevance beyond their original purpose.

In this blog post, whether you are in the ecommerce or real estate, casino gaming or entertainment industry, you will find attractive welcome text message examples and ideas to draw inspiration from and win new clients. Stay tuned!

For Ecommerce Businesses

Every ecommerce business needs a welcome text message, something to give consumers the ‘feel at home’ experience they desire.

Don’t fret if you find yourself juggling between ideas as to how to compose an ecommerce welcome SMS; you’re not alone. There is no silver bullet strategy to creating an ecommerce welcome SMS. However, you can look to the example below for inspiration.

Fandango: Keep consumers in the Know 

Consumers love it when they’re in the know. They want to know what your welcome message can do for them, how it influences their everyday shopping experience and what it would cost to receive such messages.

text message

Why we love it: it’s simple and straight to the point. This welcome SMS example answers most of the questions a new subscriber might find intimidating, creating a pleasant atmosphere for your SMS marketing endeavors to thrive.

For Entertainment Brands 

Every fantastic conversation, beautiful union, or wonderful relationship was, at one point, simply a gentle smile, a wink, or, in this case, soothing words.

Welcome messages thrive in the entertainment industry because, indeed, consumers can’t get enough blockbuster movies, enthralling shows, or heart-warming music to call it quits. 

If you want to attract lifetime customers or brand advocates to your entertainment business, we recommend you fortify the action with exciting welcome text.  

Funboy: Make Consumers Smile 

The average entertainment enthusiast is exposed to over 3000 ads daily. So little wonder why you’d find most of them racing against the clock—mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds—to get the best return for the time spent on their phones.  

So yes, creating a welcome message that puts a smile on their faces is worth the hassle.

text message

Why we love it: In welcome messages, a little sense of humor goes a long way. 

FunBoy didn’t include a funny remark or statement to get consumers to smile. The simple appreciative text “Glad we’re now text official” and flow of emojis did the heavy lifting.  

For Real Estate Businesses 

The real estate space is crowded—with lots of agents, firms, and vendors. Most real estate investment enthusiasts value brands that can help them back their sales and marketing decisions with valuable data. 

But since it’s not always possible to persuade clients to do business with you strictly based on data, you need a welcome message that appeals to that ever-lingering client’s desire to get their dream house at a discounted rate.

Cyber Sale: The Power of Discount Codes

Not every client signs up for your real estate SMS marketing activities with a clear intention to do business with you. Some consumers are strictly in for what they can benefit from. And hey! There is nothing wrong with that—you’re in business to make customers happy. ?

cyber sale

Why we love it: Gifts, discounts, and promotions float the boat for skeptical consumers. Cyber sales used exciting offers with discount codes that can last a week to welcome consumers to its weekend deal—a foolproof strategy to bring skeptical consumers home. 

For Consulting Businesses 

Most people go to consultants for advice because they want good returns from their investment budget. So, if you’re a consultant reading this, it’s only fair that you help your clients feel welcomed.

Unlike in the ecommerce space, consultants don’t need discount codes to thrive with text messages; a candid assurance that they’ve got what it takes to help clients scale does the heavy lifting. 

Acme Corp: Need a Hand?

Consultants are professionals by nature. Clients expect them to deal with complex problems and maneuver overwhelming procedures without breaking a sweat. Highlighting such strength in your welcome message increases your chances of landing the right client.


Why we love it: Acme Corp’s ‘Need a hand’ welcome text message tends to consumer skepticism in a subtle yet profound way. Their 24/7 availability and receptivity to questions show that they got what it takes to help clients win.

For SaaS Businesses 

The SaaS landscape and business model are quite complex. Many consumers are still trying to wrap their heads around it. If you run a SaaS business, investing in a self-explanatory and intuitive welcome message can help you rise above the din. 

Avoid salesy SaaS welcome text messages. Discount is good, but don’t depend on a discount welcome text to win you sustainable leads. And indeed, there is no sure-fire strategy for creating an effective SaaS welcome text.

To thrive, we recommend you stand on the shoulders of giants; below is an example to draw inspiration from.

Super EZ: Short Videos 

The complexity of the SaaS landscape puts many questions on the lips of new subscribers. Leaving such questions unattended will cost you. To avoid such scenarios, including a tour guide—in the form of short videos or refined text—subscribers can use to find their way around. 

Super EZ

Why we love it: no one will continually subscribe to a service they don’t find value in. Super EZ didn’t wait around, hoping customers would somehow navigate their platform; instead, they turned their welcome text message into a crisp guide.

For Hospitality Brands 

Are you in the business of helping people feel at home wherever they go? Or are you familiar with the dos and don’ts of the hospitality industry? If yes, you wouldn’t undermine the power of a quirky smile. 

Welcome text messages serve as those enchanting first glances you exchange with a potential friend. You don’t rush or force it. Simple words, subtle descriptions, and heartfelt text is the fastest route up. 

Your Hotel: Explore our many services 

If you’re a marketer in the hospitality space, we wouldn’t have to debate against the opinion that exceptional customer service runs the gamut in the industry. And by exceptional, we mean something beyond or outside the ordinary.

text message

Why we love it: YourHotel establishes a credible name for itself with a lengthy and intentional welcome message. Using text messages, YourHotel creates a two-way communication channel consumers can use to stay updated and in check. 

For NGOs

NGOs are not as invested in welcome text messages as ecommerce businesses. But that doesn’t mean a good old welcome message wouldn’t move the needle for them for pals looking to patronize.

The type of welcome text message to send as an NGO depends largely on the type you run. Empathetic and emotional words will go a long way if you’re trying to introduce new donors to a charity organization. Otherwise, you might want to exploit the power of incentives.

Welcome to the club 

The primary idea behind NGO welcome emails is to make new members feel good and special. You want to highlight the benefits of being a part of your organization and why they must stay connected.

welcome to the club

Why we love it: the anonymous welcome text message above uses exclusivity to get new members hunting. We recommend you design your welcome message with plain, simple, and calming words to excite new members, then keep them coming back with exclusive incentives.

For Casinos 

Casino gaming, to some gamblers, is a sustainable source of income, for others, it’s a hobby. Now, knowing where your consumer stands on this curve—enthusiast or professional gamblers—will determine how well your welcome message performs.

Casino: rewards 

Casino welcome text messages usually come with exciting discounts and rewards. Consumers are expectant; don’t let them down.

welcome back sms

Why we love it: the casino text message above didn’t just offer rewards and incentives. In very short welcome text messages, they created room to inform customers that continual text messages will come with extra expenses.

For Restaurants 

Fond greetings usually end with gratifying meals. Making consumers fall in love with your restaurant is a gradual process; you just need the right strategy and a warm message that whets the appetite. 

Well, for strategy, you need to build that on your own. But for fond greetings consumers love, we recommend a welcome text message. Explore this South Side example for insight. 

Southside: free appetizer

Simple advice, if you own a restaurant and are not ready to offer a free meal, we recommend you send welcome emails instead of text messages—you wouldn’t want consumers salivating at the sight of your welcome text message yet remain incapable of acting upon it.


Why we love it: free meals and discounts bake the cake for restaurants’ welcome text messages because it converts. However, since not all consumers will turn to customers, South Side took the initiative of including an offer expiry date in their text message, relying on the power of urgency to compel consumers to ask fast.

Wrapping Up

A welcome text message is the simplest {they are easy to create and send}, and most effective way {it has a higher conversion rate than emails} to build fond relationships with customers.

Still, many brands sit out with the idea of creating welcome text messages that cut through the noise and create a lasting impact. Well, maybe because they lack the funds or resources to finance the idea or don’t mind losing customers.

Either way, it might interest you to know that you can use Sender to  send more text messages while spending less.

About the Author

AuthorSkirmantas Venckus is a writer by day and reader by night. He hates talking about himself in third person. He is also the growth hacker at
Sender.net – the email marketing provider that is focused on user-friendliness, affordability, and utility.


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