Work From Home

When the pandemic struck, many companies started to make changes to their work setting, allowing most of their employees to conduct work from home. At times it might feel not ideal, especially when the notion has just started. But now, though the pandemic is calming down, it’s probably safe to conclude at this point that remote work won’t disappear.

Not only have millions of people worked remotely for most of the past two and a half years, but companies have found out that most of the workers can be just as productive -if not more, as they would have been in an office.

However, working remotely has its difficulties as well. You have to juggle your work schedule with all of the interruptions that occur with your daily living. Without a doubt, on some days, life can get in the way and makes it much more difficult for you to accomplish your work task.

Working remotely can increase your productivity, allow you more control over how and where you work and give you more scheduling flexibility if you make a conscious effort to do so. In light of this, here are the four to-go tips to help increase your productivity while working from home.

Have a designated workplace

The freedom from not being confined to a desk is one of the main advantages of working remotely. Fair to speak, you can work anywhere. That’s a fantastic opportunity if you want to get away from all the distractions, or if you need a change of scenery to keep you motivated.

Even though this flexibility is wonderful, if you plan to work from home frequently, it is not ideal for you to constantly move between the couch and the kitchen table. Even if you enjoy working in various locations, you still need a designated spot to retreat to in order to avoid life’s distractions and be very focused when working.

You should have your desk, where you put all your electronic devices such as a laptop and webcam for working purposes. It can imply that you have a place to spread out whatever you’re working on. Do not keep changing or moving your work, just because your family wants to sit there.

Keep a schedule

You owe it to the people in your life to set a schedule and stick to it if you’re going to ask them not to bother you or divert your attention when you’re working. At the end of the day, try to spend as little time as possible working and more time with your family, friends, or even your pets.

Every weekend, set a little time to make a list of what work you need to be done when is the time for you to start, and when is the time for you to stop. You should stop working after your set hour each day. Make sure you stay strictly on your to-do list.

Let’s face it, if you don’t plan to stop working at a specific time, you probably won’t. You will feel that you can still have one more email to open or an extremely essential task that simply cannot wait. But keep in mind that you however can wait. And time which you have set to spend with your family, if as important as your workload.

Shut the door to maintain focus

Not every home office layout allows for privacy. But it is very advisable if your office home has a door which you can close whenever you need to. The lack of a clear boundary between work and life for many individuals is the largest obstacle when working from home. Having a closed door could be seen as the epitome of distance.

Shutting the door to your office lets everyone know that you are working, thus they should not distract you. By eliminating the numerous distractions that come from glancing out into another room, or hearing the boisterous voices, you can put all your focus and concentrate on what you need to work on.

It could also serve as a reminder for everyone at the house that now is not the right moment to disturb you. Your door could be a way for you to communicate with your family, when it is closed you need a quiet time, but when you open it -you are ready to be with them.

If you don’t have any room with a door to be used as your specific workplace, you can use other methods. For instance, you can instead use headphones while working. This could also serve as a reminder for your family, when you’re wearing headphones it means it is work time.

Maintain the cleanliness of your workspace

This is very important because most people forget to clean the office workspace because they are too busy working during the day. When you are at the office, you may have a janitor or hired cleaner service to help clean your office area. But in your own house, you may not have it -and thus it becomes your sole responsibility to maintain it.

Make sure to wipe your work desk every day, and every once in a while you do a thorough cleaning of the room and desk. Dust the furniture, declutter any paper or things you might not need, and if you use it -vacuum the carpet in your workspace regularly. Afterall clean workplace is the ultimate way to maintain your focus and productivity while working.

If you are too tired to clean your entire home -including your home office, you can instead visit company website and hire Luce Home. They have a professional and trusted home cleaner to help you make sure all the areas in your house are spotless -including your office! 

Referral: Maids in Pink provides high-quality cleaning services to every Calgary homeowner, visit company website here for help and tips.


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