By Nancy P. Howard
External links are one of the most important factors in website ranking. This fact is confirmed by search engines, as well as studies, optimizers, and experts around the world. In the first place are external links, namely incoming anchors, the authority of referring domains, the number of referring domains, and so on. This is confirmed by research data from Moz, SEMrush Ranking Factor, and many other resources.
How do you create your own healthy backlink profile for a new or existing site?
Use the TOP-6 rules and the result from the links will not keep you waiting long:
- Use of anchor and non-anchor links;
- Introduction of anchor sheet;
- New link – new donor;
- Use of regional and thematic resources;
- The high trust in the site and its overall quality;
- Smooth building of the link mass.
According to search engines, a strong link profile of a website is essential for SEO.
Just look at how sites fight for a better listing in highly competitive niches. The highest positions in the most popular niches is occupied by strong companies with giant link profiles.
Can you create quality backlinks with a small budget and no practical experience in SEO? Yes, you can!
Use 3 ways to create backlinks for your site. Each of these methods contains several tools, which significantly increase the chances of success.
Way №1: Use only white link building methods
Consider the main ways of quality link building, which are used today.
Affiliate programs
Any resource participating in an affiliate program links directly to the affiliate site. Therefore, you can get good backlinks by listing your resource on affiliate sites.
Unique and interesting guest posting
Users will not link to low-quality content that doesn’t engage them. Thus, you should make sure that the article, video, or picture is useful and brings value to users. The content you provide should evoke the desire to be shared. For example, cooking tips or a fitness training system. It’s easier to share such content with a link than to recite all the nuances.
Links for outreach are considered the main method of link building, offering different agreement options with the owners of donor sites about the paid or free links to your resource.
There are a huge number of directories on a variety of topics. One has to register and leave a mention of the site, or rather a link (if the site rules allow it) – and voila! You got it covered.
External links
When working on content you want to see popular one day, it is preferable to specify a trusted site where the user can find additional information on the topic. There is no need to create a link dump from your site, but it is necessary to specify trusted resources using the “nofollow” tag. This procedure will help to better disclose content, as well as improve the visibility of the site.
Internal links
Sites with many pages practice linking pages of their site to each other to transfer link weight and improve usability for users.
Incoming and outgoing backlinks can be obtained using special services. This is the most effective and safest way to promote your website using a guest posting service.
Way №2: Don’t forget about crowdfunding marketing
Crowd Marketing attracts the target audience (CA) by placing testimonials on various pages, forums, blogs. Comments play a leading role as they work as a quality mark for your potential customers.
With crowd marketing, you can give a natural link profile, increase audience reach and improve the company’s image. Crowd mentions on relevant sites can lead new customers to your platform.
Way №3: User feedback
Don’t be afraid to ask your customers to share a link to your resource every now and then. Of course, these should be resources that are thematically related to the site being promoted. Perhaps these are forums discussing the product/service/news or simply your customers’ personal accounts on social media.
You must also create and fill out a form with the name of the company, country, city, phone number on Google Maps, if your site is a corporate one. Add data such as your business address, phone number, and website of your company or organization will appear on Google Maps. Such a thorough approach will help find information about your company more easily and attract visitors to the site.
If you build backlinks in this way, you will succeed! Don’t doubt it!
About the Author
Nancy P. Howard has been working as a journalist at the online magazine in London for a year. She is also a professional writer in such topics as blogging, IT and marketing.