The Dawn of a New Era in Business
David Stoke
Analysis Paralysis: How “Big Data” May
Finally Spell the End of Make-Believe
Christopher Surdak
Sustainable Business Model Innovation to
Create Value in a World of Finite Resources
Christophe Sempels and Jonas Hoffmann
The Rise of the Mobility Maker
Reinvention: Critical to Business Success,
but not Always Obvious
Lloyd E. Shefsky
S&OP Made Practical
Karin Bursa
Strategic Planning & Execution in an Uncertain World
Female Leaders
Women as Global Leaders: Challenges
and Strategies for Getting to the Top
Susan R. Madsen and Faith Wambura Ngunjiri
Looking at the Universe as a Systemic Whole:
Women in Global Leadership
Interview with Magdalena Mook
Challenging Stereotypes: The Women’s
Executive Leadership Programme at
Berkeley Executive Education
Interview with Laura Kray
Closing the Gender Gap
Whether They are “Born or Made", Global
Leaders Share Four Fundamental Capabilities
Stewart Black and Allen J. Morrison
Conflict Contagion: A Virus to Watch for and
Treat Early
Karsten Jonsen, Karen A. Jehn, Sonja Rispens
and Lindred L. Greer
The Psychology of Disenchantment
Adrian Furnham