Virtual interviews have been done more frequently over the recent years. These interviews have been a godsend for job seekers who have other obligations such as child care, caring for other family members, etc. For those who can’t leave the home, a virtual interview can help a lot.
Now, while some job seekers find this trend convenient for them, employers are left wondering how to make the experience even more convenient for them. Therefore, if you’re an employer at a company, it’s important to know how to run a virtual interview smoothly without any issues on either side of the digital screen. Chances are, you might have made some mistakes in virtual interviews without even knowing it! But don’t worry! We’re here to help!
In this article, we’ll show you 5 common mistakes that employers would make with virtual interviews. In each exhibit, we’ll explain how to avoid such mishaps in your next virtual interview with potential job candidates.
With that said, here are 5 common mistakes to avoid when conducting virtual interviews:
1. Not Defining Your Target Job Seeker
“When writing a job description for the position that your company has available, it’s important to know the type of person that you’re looking for, for the job,” says Elizabeth Wilcox, a recruiter at Resumention and Rated writing. “The job description must not only explain to potential candidates how their current skills may fit with the position, but also alert those who don’t meet the criteria to act, thus helping you separate the desirable candidates from the others in the talent pool.”
With that in mind, be sure to think about the following when writing your job description:
- What type of education do job seekers need to have?
- How many years of experience in an area do job seekers need?
- What characteristics are you looking for in a candidate?
These types of questions can help you define what you’re looking for in your ideal job seeker.
2. Not Enough Recruitment
Virtual recruitment lets recruiters talk to more candidates than one via both video and in-person. Video interviews can be used to replace in-person events, when necessary.
However, candidates shouldn’t wait to get seen during virtual recruiting events. Otherwise, you’ll risk scaring off potential candidates for a certain position or two. Remember: It’s important to make candidates feel comfortable during these events.
Therefore, the best way to make the virtual recruitment process go well is to assign one recruiter for every 10 candidates, so that everything runs smoothly and quickly without creating unnecessary traffic.
3. Not Having A Good Promotion Strategy
It’s important to promote a job opening in the best way possible, right? So, instead of relying solely on emailing, calling, and texting to get the word out, go above and beyond by announcing it to the world.
While having a virtual job fair may take a lot of work to organize and launch, it’s still good to raise awareness about the event in many avenues and channels than one online.
Nowadays, more and more companies are taking to social media to promote job openings. Whether you use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. is up to you, as long as you have a significant following in any of those platforms.
Remember: promote, promote, promote!
4. Not Using The Right Tools
“Just like in your job, as an employer, you must have the right tools to work with when recruiting virtually,” says Savannah Merrylees, a business writer at Boom essays review and Dissertation help. “That means finding the right virtual method for conducting virtual interviews, such as video chat platforms. Take the time to test out platforms, and see which one(s) are right for you, and then require that from those applying for a job at your company.”
When choosing a platform, make sure that it has the following features built in:
- Promotes events
- Delivers a smooth experience for the candidate, AND
- Provides insights that allow you to improve in future virtual interviews
5. No Follow-Up?!
Finally, like in-person interviews, it’s important to follow up with candidates that you’ve interviewed virtually. By engaging with candidates after a virtual interview, you’ll most likely hire the best talent.
To do this, be sure to do the following in your follow-up:
- Ask candidates for feedback
- Communicate what the next steps are for candidates, AND
- Automate the above tasks
Nowadays, if you don’t follow up with job seekers for more than a couple of days, then they’ll give up waiting on you, and look for opportunity elsewhere. Even if it’s to tell them that they weren’t selected for the job, it’s still imperative that you follow up with them.
While virtual recruitment has become popular in recent years, it’s still important to treat it as if it were traditional in-person interviews. Once you establish a good strategy for virtual recruitment, as well as avoiding the 5 common mistakes mentioned in this article, then you’ll increase your chances of getting good hires, and making the right hiring decisions.
About the Author
Christina Lee is a social media strategist at Student writing services and Academ Advisor. She writes about marketing news and technologies for such services, as Write my essay, and others.