SEO professionals regard content to be the most important part of any search engine optimization campaign. This is why they often use the catchphrase ’content is king’. Most website owners conduct thorough research before coming up with interesting content for their targeted audience. They assume these online users are likely to find articles to be useful and informative after reading it on their websites. Nevertheless, the content may not be sufficient enough to secure high ranks on Google’s result pages. The experts explain that a variety of reasons may be responsible for such a scenario. They point out the following five possibilities:
1. What is the content all about?
Website owners need to understand that Google’s algorithms consider several factors before allotting ranks to webpages. These include user experience, mobile compatibility, domain age, links, and page speed. The content they upload for their targeted audience needs to fulfill such parameters. If this is not the case, these owners cannot expect their content to secure high page-ranks on the search engine’s result pages. SEO experts suggest they should first address the following three issues before uploading their content on their websites –
- What is the subject matter of the content these owners are writing about?
- Does the content answer all of their targeted audiences queries?
- Do other online users find the content to be useful, authoritative, and informative?
Google always looks for original content which online users consider to be relevant to what they are searching for. Only then does this search engine allot high ranks to the website of such articles on its result pages. On the other hand, Google does not tolerate plagiarism in content writing. Search engine downgrades websites indulging in this practice.
2. Are website owners using the right keywords in their content?
Website owners may not always be using the correct long-tail keywords in the content they upload for their targeted audience. This is why these online users find it difficult to locate their sites on search engines like Google. Moreover, the phrases these owners insert in their content should be able to generate a high volume of organic traffic to their websites. If this is not the case, the content they publish cannot secure high page-ranks. This is the reason why they should first carry out thorough keyword research. In doing so, owners should keep the following three important factors in mind-
- Website owners should select keywords which match the subject matter of their content. Only then can they expect a high volume of organic traffic to their business websites;
- The owners should always consider the needs of their targeted audience when choosing the right keywords for their content. Such online users may look for search specific information while browsing through their websites, and
- The keywords these owners finally choose should have a high conversion rate. For this, they can check out such phrases in analytical tools like Google’s Keyword Planner. Only then can they make a decision to use them in their content.
3. Owners need to update the content on their websites constantly
Websites owners need to constantly upload fresh content on their sites to attract their targeted audience’s interest. Moreover, they should also review the keywords in the articles if the need arises. Otherwise, they are likely to see a decline in the websites’ page rankings over time. Search engines like Google are aware that online users do not show much interest in stale content. To ensure this does not happen, owners can take the help of analytical tools online for the task. They will get to know what type of questions their targeted audience are currently typing in Google’s query bar. At the same time, owners will become aware of the competition they are up against in the market. Such owners may find this task to be beyond their capabilities. In such a case, they can take the help of qualified professionals of a reliable SEO or IT company to guide and counsel them for the above.
4. Website owners do not pay much attention to inbound links
Website owners may find that the content they upload on their website is fresh and contains relevant keywords. They even take the trouble of updating such information for the convenience of their targeted audience. Nevertheless, they still see no improvement in their website’s rankings on Google’s result pages. SEO specialists say the owners may overlook the need to provide necessary inbound or backlinks to their content. If this is the case, they cannot expect their sites to generate a high volume of organic traffic. Link building is essential in enhancing a website’s rankings on the result pages of Google. When other high-quality websites and blogs link up with these owners’ sites, it sends out a message to online users. They can assume the information in content the owners upload on their sites is authentic and authoritative. Online users are likely to visit such websites more often.
5. Abandoning image optimization
Website owners often forget the importance of image optimization while improving their website’s content. This could be a possible reason why they do not see an increase in organic traffic. Online users do not only read interesting articles when searching for websites on Google- they need images as well. Attractive high- resolution images on such sites also capture their attention. This leads to an increase in targeted traffic. A good website has the right mix of relevant content and images.
Website owners may realize that it is not difficult to improve their content’s rankings on Google. They just need to ensure the subject matter of their content is relevant to what their targeted audience is searching for. In doing so, they should pay particular attention to inserting the correct keywords in their text and image optimization. Once this is over, they should focus on linking their content to other credible and authoritative websites. Above all, the owners should constantly provide fresh content and news to engage their targeted audience. Taking such steps will improve the content’s page rankings over time and give sites a better online presence!